Saturday, April 26, 2008

No hard feelings towards SZ

I would like to make something very clear to people and that is I hold no hard feelings towards Nichole or Scrapper's Zone. They are just as much a victim of the wrong doings of one person as we was. It is a shame that the truth of what was going on was not known until the damage was done and it was to late. I'm sorry for all the people that the one person has hurt and for those who feel they must leave SZ because of all that the one person did and said. Yes I defended myself against attacks, that is just my nature and how I was brought up. My daddy would kick my behind if I let someone walk all over me and not do a thing about it. If any of you at SZ think I have done anything to hurt you in any way, I would like to say I'm sorry. I did my best to keep this between those involved and to leave everyone else out of it. So please except my apologies if I have offended you in any way.

Standing before God

There are some people in this world that are just to cruel for words to describe. I will not even being to lower myself to the standards of those who are that way. All I can say about them is that come judgement day they will be standing before God having to explain why they did the things they did and why they love to say such cruel things about people. God will be the one who judges people like this.

I know that in my heart that I have done nothing to the person in question. I don't know if the issues is jealousy, a lack of self respect or the fact that the person just can not live without drama in her life that has caused her to be the way she is. But I would like to thank this person for making me see the light and knowing that I needed to move on to bigger and better things. With that said Acorn Designs has closed down shop at Scrapper's Zone and will be opening up a shop some where else as soon as all the paper work is done and we have things in the store.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

OMG what a lying sack of trash

If you was to read the comments on someone's blog this is what it says:

**** said »

1. The US of A is only a small part of this great cyber world; you are so correct. God you are fabulous. .

2. Don’t like the music?? I don’t blame you. You are my hero! Tell it like it is! Oh GODDESS THANK YOU. I WORSHIP YOU.

3. WHAT makes you more special than anyone else? My GOD where do I begin? We all need to spend time sitting at your feet abd basking in the shadow that you cast. You my dear lady are incredible.–we all put on our panties the same way.

THOSE OTHER PEOPLE SHOULD GET A LIFE!!!! They’re just smalll fish in a big sea. And they don’t understand you.

Thanks DIVA!! You ROCK!

But what was really said was:

1. The US of A is only a small part of this great cyber world; I suggest you bookmark Babelfish if you want translations.

2. Don't like the music?? There's a little item called a MUTE button you can use.

3. WHAT makes you more special than anyone else--we all put on our panties the same way.


You're just a small fish in a big sea. And You have no more right to dictate to the rest of us than anyone

Now if this so called "Blog Cop" has changed the wording on this comment that was posted on her blog, I wonder how many more she has changed. Are all of her comments "lies"? Does she change the comments to suit her fancy? Not wanting the real world to know what people really think of her?

On the post above this one she did add the comment "I”LL DEAL WITH THIS TRAILERTRASH MOUTHBREATHER COMMENT ON TOMORROW’S BLOG– STAY TUNED" too. She must really not know who she is dealing with. Because that person will rip her apart and most likely the only reason she is going to deal with it that way is because she could not think of a way to reword the comment to her own benefit.

Good and Pissed off

I was going to keep my big fat mouth shut but it is eating at me. I got this e-mail today and the person who wrote it needs to shut the heck up.

"I would like to open a dialogue about the hogging of the site for sales.

I do not think that is is fair that one group or designer upload 2 or 300 products and hog the queqe. It is unfair that every other designer gets pushed back because of the bullshit. Our products have a right to be rotated through the store.

When a designer uploads 50 or 60 items in a day, every day or every other day, it stops others designers’ items from being seen.

I have been told by a couple of customers that the reason that they no longer shop at Scrapper’s Zone is because they only see the same products from the same designer when they search for products.

I’m just going to come out and say it. This is not the Acorn Designs show. I feel (and many others who do not want to come forward) that there should be a limit on the amount of products that can be uploaded in a week. There should also be a policy in place to remove the items that are not selling. It is not fair that bullshit items just take up space and have to be waded through in order to get to products. Customers are tired of it. Instead of writing to you about the issue, they go elsewhere to shop.

There is no need for one designer to dominate every category with useless products that are not selling. They are taking up server space, rotation space and robbing other designers of the opportunity to have their products seen."

First of all the site she wrote this to Acorn Designs has uploaded NOTHING to in weeks. Second of all she needs to stay out of other peoples business. If I chose to upload 500 files in one day that is between me and the store owner. It is none of her business. This person goes around on her blog and down grades everyone. Telling people that she lives in the US of A and they must speak English. Well guess what Sir Big Mouth, not the whole world lives in the USA and if they speak French, Spanish, German or what ever else then they can do so on their blogs. If a person wants music on their blog they can have it. Who the hell died and left you the "Blog Police"? Are you the only one that is "right" in the world?

Baby you done stepped on the right toes this time because I'm not a meek mild manored person and I will stand up and tell you to go straight to hell with your dumb stuff and your stupid ass. I don't roll over and play dead for you or anyone else. You need to go get a life and get out of everyone else's lives. Can you not live without being the center of attention? You need to cause drama for all those around you? Well lady, keep your stuff up and one of these days the Scrap booking world is really going to tell you where the get off at. No one cares a thing about you and no one even likes you.

Monday, April 14, 2008

News Letter


Welcome to Digi by Design where the art of digital scrapbooking is taken to the highest level.

Our designers have exciting new products for your scrapbooking pleasure and you never know what kind of surprises will appear.

So grab a cup of tea, sit back and enjoy seeing what's new at DXD.

The girls at DXD have all lost their minds again. They are having a 98 cent sale April 15 to April 20. They have kits, quick pages, element sets, alphas and more. Come grab these up while they are in the store because once the sale is over these products will be gone.

April Team Mega Kit

Springs Promise

50+ papers         3 alphas      100+ elements



Flowers and Bugs

Spring is just around the corner and with it will come butterflies, lady bugs and lots of flowers. The lovely pastel colors in this kit are just what you need to scrap your gardens and other lovely spring pictures. Have loads of fun with the papers and elements in this kit.

Designer Treasure Chest

This chest hides 40 useful pieces – a little bit of this and a little bit of that (elements to recolor, overlays & textures, ribbon & bows…) . All these designer resources are – of course – commercial use ok. All files can be used in all programs which can open .png & .jpg.

Rugged Pine

A little stained pine, rusty elements, and canvas ribbon. These items are rugged but they are not overtly masculine - they are suited for a variety of layouts with men, boys, camping, heritage, lightly shabby, country, cabin feel. These colors are subtle enough not to overwhelm your pictures, and the rusted accents complement the colors and textures.

Fit to be Tied

A set of 6 matching templates, all sized 12x12 in layered .psd files and as separate .png files. Conveniently grouped elements so all under lacing and over lacing can be colorized quickly to match your papers. Metal eyelets may be left silver or colorized as well. Add your own embellishments on top or just your photos for a cleaner look.

Tudor Rose

A digital scrapbooking kit by Acorn Designs.  Enjoy the beauty of old-fashioned Jacobean embroidery designs with Tudor Rose. This formal kit will elegantly enhance your spring photos of proms, recitals, bridal parties, and gardens.

Garden Paper Pack

Here is a softly floral and feminine paper pack by RoseMadeDesigns.

These papers are S4H/S4O-Friendly.

Tracy’s Concrete Diamonds, CU PS Style

Nine styles with a grungy concrete style. Tested in Photoshop CS3 and PSE5, but should work ok in older versions of Photoshop as well.

Lazy Afternoon Add-on

This may be an add-on to Lazy Afternoon, but it’s big and diverse enough to be a kit all it’s own! With soft colors and interesting elements, you could use this for layouts of all kinds – babies, spring, family, whatever you can think of!

Grunge Alpha

These alphas are great for your little rock star or nature layouts, or just about anything that needs a little grunge!

Includes all upper and lower case alphas, plus numbers and extended characters, all with a grungy, patterned cement texture.

Happy Dance

Jump into the bright colors of summer! Dots, stripes, flowers and more are in this fresh kit.

Baby Face Girl by RoseMadeDesigns has everything you need to scrap your new little baby face. Pastel lavender, aqua and pink papers and elements with handprints and footprints, cute gem brads, buttons, frames and tags are all ready for your next album.

This kit is S4H/S4O-Friendly.

Baby Face Boy by RoseMadeDesigns has everything you need to scrap your new little baby face. Pastel blue, yellow and green papers and elements with handprints and footprints, cute leather patches, buttons, frames and tags are all ready for your next album.

This kit is S4H/S4O-Friendly.

Tracy's April 08 CU Goodie Bag

What’s in this goodie bag is a secret, but I can tell you there are six quality products worth $24! I’ve used all of these items myself and I can tell you it’s my favorite bag so far!  

Includes layered Photoshop items (no styles) that will work in most other programs (Paint Shop Pro, PSE, GIMP). Although some of the Photoshop features may not work correctly, you should be able to use them.

News Letter Freebie

This freebie was made by Beth of Acorn Designs.

The DXD Team


Mid Month Madness

The girls at DXD have all lost their minds again. They are having a 98 cent sale April 15 to April 20. They have kits, quick pages, element sets, alphas and more. Come grab these up while they are in the store because once the sale is over these products will be gone.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mid Month Madness and Freebie

The designers have done it once again. They have lost their minds. They have all kids of things on sale for 98 cents each. There are kits, elements, page frames, quick pages and more. Run don't walk over to Digi By Designs to get in on this special event because once they are gone, they are gone. They will not go back into the Digi by Designs store. This sale starts on Tuesday April 15, 2008 and runs threw Sunday April 20, 2008.


I've also got a freebie for you all. I was playing this morning and made this beautiful little frame for you all.

freebie frame

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Layout of Midnight

The other day I got a new photo of Midnight and I made a layout with it. I just wanted to share her latest photo with everyone. As you can see she is figuring out how her wittle legs work. She is so adorable, I can't wait to get her. I think it is going to be a very long month having to wait to get her. I should be able to get her around May 1, 2008

rmd_babyface-midnight copy

Friday, April 11, 2008

Study Jams!

StudyJams! is a new online, subscription-based learning experience for kids in grades 3-6. Developed by Scholastic, StudyJams! is dedicated to helping kids learn math and science in ways that are fun, relevant and rewarding.

StudyJams! was designed to introduce and reinforce key math and science concepts. Whether your child needs help to better understand a challenging topic or simply wants to learn more about a subject they already enjoy, StudyJams! can help. StudyJams! was created in conjunction with leading educators nationwide and all of our content is based on state curriculum standards.

Every kid learns in a unique way. That's why we offer multiple learning paths to match different learning styles. By using videos, interactive lessons, karaoke, music and more, StudyJams! empowers kids to learn the way that works best for them. All the while, the StudyJams! Crew — RJ, Mia, Zoe and Sam — are there to guide your kids through every topic.

Kids love StudyJams! because on top of being fun, with each Jam they complete they earn Jam points. Jam points are redeemed in the recording studio, where kids can create their own original music. When a song is finished, it can be downloaded as an mp3 file and shared with friends.

We make it easy to sign up and even easier to use. When you sign up for a "parent account", you get three "child accounts". Each child account has its own username and password (created by you), so each child has a unique and personalized learning experience. With the parent account, you can monitor how your kids are doing. is fully password-protected, ensuring that your kids will always be safe on StudyJams!

I really believe that this is a great site for kids. I have been to the site and tried it out myself. So please go to the site if you have kids and look it over.

Monday, April 7, 2008

30% off sale 1 day only

For today only I have Textures III on sale for 30% off


Make sure you grab it before it goes away.

My daughter sent some new photos of Midnight today. As you can see Midnight has found her wittle legs and can get around a wee bit.


attachment2 copy

Sunday, April 6, 2008

overlays on sale

We have 3 sets of overlays on sale for Sunday only. They are 20 % off for the one day only.




So hop on over to Scrapper's Zone and pick these up while the iron is hot.


Piglet came out and played for a little bit today. She has taken Bears loss so hard. She has been coming in the office for about a week now to get her loving and will go downstairs with me but she has for the most part stayed on top of the drier this whole time. I'm glad to see her getting back to being her. It really sad when you see an animal hurt like that over the loss of their buddy. They don't understand. I just hope that she takes to midnight alright. Roo is the one I'm really worried about on that. She has been the baby for so long I'm not sure how she is going to feel about a NEW baby in the house.

Friday, April 4, 2008

A Layout and Challenges

The "longer" you look at this picture, the "more" you see.

Look at the lines the artist used to draw this picture of Christ.. It is of scenes from Christ's life. I have not seen anything like this
Share this with a friend or two. In the Circle of God's love, God's waiting to use your full potential.
May God Always Bless You and Yours!

This is a LO I did today using the kit Flowers and Bugs by Acorn Designs. Look for it to be in the store on April 16, 2008 It will also go on sale that day and if you come to chat that night you will get bonuses to go with the kit. It is a really fun kit and not your typical Bug type kit. The bugs and the flowers were all hand drawn by me. I want you to notice all the love I'm getting from Roo in the photo only I was trying to work at the time.


Beth has decided to speak out. She has posted a freebie on her blog.

Piglet has been very depressed over the loss of Bear. She is starting to come out of it. She does need  more love right now to help her feel secure again and she did come down stairs to sleep on the bed for a little while last night.

New challenges have been posted at DXD. There are lots of really pretty posting bonuses.


Color Challenge Starter Kit


Color Challenge Posting Bonus


Heritage Challenge Posting Bonus


Holiday Challenge Posting Bonus


Ad Challenge Posting Bonus



Font Challenge Posting Bonus


Scraplift Challenge Posting Bonus


Elements Challenge Templates


Elements Challenge Posting Bonus


Template for the Template Challenge


Quote Challenge Posting Bonus


The Full Byte Posting Bonus

What is the Full Byte Challenge? Well if you post layouts for any 7 of the other challenges you get an extra posting bonus. How easy is that. You don't have to do anything extra but put your links in the full Byte thread.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

41% OFF SALE!!!

NO Foolin U!!

12 Hr– 41% OFF SALE!!!
