Hello there, It is Saturday again and here I am with another part to Dog Wood. I am glad you all are liking the kit so far. This past week has been ruff for us, Beth has been having computer issues and switched from DSL to cable. Only the DSL was turned off before the cable was ready so she was down a couple of days. I have had an ear infraction and half the time my head has felt like it was ready to explode. Some ear drops and a couple 12 shifts of sleep are helping. The weather here in the Northeast has been something, went from a high of 62 degrees 2 days ago to a high of 97 degrees today with a low of 72 degrees. You figure that one out. Well it is back to the AC today with my babies having to be locked up in this room. I also won't let them back out of here until the temperature comes back down to no more than a high of 85 degrees. I figure if it not fit for me in the heat it is not fit for them either.
So much for all of that. I am sure you all want your freebie. So without further chit chat here it is, dog wood Part 3.

Sorry about it taking so long but Blogger was not letting me put the preview in.
WooHoo! Thanks so much! I hope to actually get at least ONE complete kit from you nutty duo!
Beth..I'm so sorry for your loss! My heart goes out to you!
Sorry about your computer problems and also your ear ones.:( I hope everything gets better.
Thanks so much for the new part of the kit, it's great. :) Best wishes. :O)
Thank you! The DigiFree freebie search engine is about to list this blog post at digifree.blogspot.com
Thanks so very much, wonderful colors. Hope the heat subsides and stays tht way.
Thank you so very much, it's so beautiful.
The weather sure does suck here in Penna!!!
So damp & raining to hot & humid my knees & asthma can't take it! LOL
TY for another marvalous part of this kit!!!
Stay cool with your babies!!!
Hoping you feel better too!!
This is so pretty. Thank you.
Thanks much! Hope you feel all better soon!
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