It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that a couple of weeks ago Missie passed away. she never woke up at all. She was able to pass away peacefully. Missie will be greatly missed.
Anyone who wants to make a kit and sell it in her name for the proceeds to go the brain cancer research may do so. Missies husband has given us permission to keep her store open and to help keep her dream of helping the child with brain cancer.
Someone from DXD will be making a gray ribbon with Missie's name on it to be put on the previews. In your description you must also put "Made by (your name) in loving memory of Missie". This way people will know that it was not in fact made by Missie but for Missie.
Zip files should be named MD_Designs_(your name)_(kit name)
Files should be (your name)_(kit name)_item
If you can try to use gray as one of the colors in the kit. The reason for gray is that is the color of the ribbon for Brain Cancer.
I was the families wishes that I wait until today to break this very sad news to everyone. They did not want to ruin anyone's Christmas. It is also the wishes of the family that they not be contacted. Please respect their wishes.