I am sorry I have not posted but I have been sick as a dog. I think I got it from my youngest when she was here the last time. I found out that my son-in-law David has the same stuff also. It is that wonderful chest cold that has been going around. The one that likes to stay with you a good 3 to 4 weeks, you can't breath and all you do is cough and chock yourself to death. It was 4:30 or 5 yesterday afternoon when I managed to get out of bed. My daughters sent me these beautiful flowers 2 days ago for my birthday.

It is a wonder that I am able to get any work done at all when I am on the computer because I have to deal with things like this. She looks so sweet when she is sleeping. Who could make something that looks that sweet move.

The last 2 parts of Dogwood will be in the store soon. I did upload them today. So if you missed either part you will be able to pick it up. Remember that it is 20% off the first week. Oops, the Big Boss lady is going to make a lier out of me. They already got them in the
store. Boy are they fast today. So
parts 11 & 12 are only 80 cents for one week only. We have a
grab bag in the store for only $2. You can't beat that deal it is
almost 300 megs worth of brand new products. We stuffed our bag so full that it is about to bust wide open and once it does the products will be full price. We have
4 brand new sets of Brushes in the store. They normally sale for $5.00 and $6.00 but today they are on sale for 20% off. We also have have
7 brand new sets of overlays in the store. They to would normally cost your $5.00 but they are on sale for 20% off.
All the Brushes and the overlays are Commercial Use. There is a brand new kit called Leaves of Change in the store also. Keep your eyes open for some more new kits and mini kits. We have Judy, Tigger, Felix (mini), fall in Love add-on (mini), Birdhouse add-on (mini) and Sanity all getting ready to hit the stores soon.

I threw together a quick page for you real fast. It is another one for Christmas. This is made with our kit Poinsettia which is not in the stores yet. I have no idea why it is not there. I guess I just plan forgot to upload it.
Make sure you check out our Challenges on both sites. You can scroll down to find out just what you will get if you complete the challenges. If any of you have baby photos that you need to scrap then your going to want to run over to Scrappers Zone and do my challenge there. I am not done with Timeless Elegance, I just have been to sick to work on it. But I Promise you I will get you more of it. So Check back often you never know when I will put another piece of it up.