Well it is Sunday again and I hope everyone had lots of fun at all the chats that were going on all over the place and that you all got lots of freebies. Just in case you did not get enough I have a brand new one for you today. This is part one of Morning glory. Don't ask me how many parts there are because I don't know. The kit not made yet. I am still working on it.
Have any of you ever wanted to be a designer but you can't get your foot in the door. No one wants a newbie. Well,
DBD is looking for 3 Elements Team members. You would be required to make one kit per month that we can use to give away. Everything you make would be gone over by a Mod. The Mod would let you know how your doing and give you pointers. Once the
DT's feels that your work is up to the site standards, you would be invited to move up to the Design Team. If this sounds like something you would like to do, e-mail me at 2acorn.designs@gmail.com to find out more information. A sample of your work will be required. Please put ET in the subject line
Creative Team members are needed also. Would you like to be able to get free kits? A little work is all it takes. I am in need of about 12
CT's If you would like to do this e-mail me at 2acorn.designs@gmail.com for more information. Please include at least 2 galleries where your layouts are posted and where you are in good standing. Please put CT in the subject line.
I well also need one person who is the CT manager. It would be your job to make sure that the others are doing what they should be doing and to keep everyone inspired. If you would like this job please e-mail at 2acorn.designs@gmail.com and put
CTM in the subject line.
I promised you a freebie and
it is gone:

Did I fail to say that I get inspired by your comments so the more comments I get the
bigger the kit gets. You you can either have a little kit or a mega kit it is all up to you.
One last thing I want you all to know that we have a new store.
Ok, we only have 7 items in it right now but with Beth disabled at the moment I am having to work by
myself and I am no good at previews at all. You can find all brand new never before seen products at
Digi Scrap Boutique.